Why Tech Professionals Face RSU Tax Underwithholding Issues (and How to Fix It)
Struggling how to fix RSU tax underwithholding issues? Learn how to fix it and avoid future headaches with this guide!
Double Trigger RSU Tax: 5 Ways to Avoid a Scary Tax Bill

First of all, if you’ve got a double trigger RSU that are about to settle. Congratulations! You’re about to come into a lot of money. Just be tax aware and avoid being caught unprepared by a scary tax bill. (And also, good on you for reading this article & being smart enough to figure out […]
RSU Strategies for Tech Professionals with Landon Loveall

When you’re negotiating your compensation package, it’s easy to focus on the salary and maybe even the number of stock options you’re being offered. But how often do you consider the vesting schedule and how your equity accumulates over time? This is something I didn’t fully appreciate during my early career. Looking back at my […]
Cost Basis and RSU: THE Easy-to-Understand Tech Employee’s Guide
When you’ve got stock in a company, it’s normally a really, really good thing. Especially RSUs (or restricted stock units). They’re stock you get just by working in a company…. Ones you don’t even have to pay for. And any time those RSU shares “vest”—meaning the company hands ownership of them over to you—you become […]
IPO: When to Sell RSU Based on Share Price
When people are granted stock options, it’s the same BIG question, every time: Buy? Or sell? And when it comes to RSU (or restricted stock units), we almost always tell our clients to sell, and to sell them ASAP. Like, don’t even hesitate, wait, or take time to “think about it.” Just sell. ???? Reason […]
The Definitive Guide to Restricted Stock Units
If you work at a tech company, your compensation likely stretches beyond the numbers on your paycheck — and that’s a good thing. While a strong income is essential to growing wealth, getting access to some kind of ownership in the company through stock options or other incentives can help tech employees grow significant nest […]