April 15th is Closer than You Think!

by | Dec 30, 2019 | Tax Planning

April 15th is Closer than You Think!

by | Dec 30, 2019 | Tax Planning

Welcome to 2020! I hope your year will be happy and prosperous!

Not to ruin your New Years’ buzz, but April 15th – tax day – is just around the corner.

Now is a good time to start gathering the various forms, documents, receipts, etc. that you will need to file your taxes. Set aside a special folder or Pendaflex file where you can collect and keep them all together.

Here’s a checklist of some of the key items you’ll need.

  • W-2 forms from your employer(s). These should be in your hands by Jan. 31.
  • 1099 forms for other types of income, e.g., self-employment
  • 1099B forms showing stock sales gains and losses
  • 1099S form and closing escrow statements for sale of real estate
  • 1098 form, home mortgage interest
  • 1095 form, health insurance statement
  • Form 5498-SA showing HSA contributions
  • Form 5498 showing IRA contributions
  • Records of taxes paid – real estate, personal property, estimated state and federal tax payments
  • Records of tax-deductible miles traveled for business purposes. It’s a good idea to take a picture of your odometer reading in January and again in December.
  • Documents related to business income and expenses, if applicable
  • Documents related to rental income and expenses, if applicable
  • Office in home information, if applicable
  • If you itemize deductions:
    • Medical expense records – medical insurance paid, doctor/dentist payments, hospital payments, receipts for prescription medicines and drugs, tax-deductible miles traveled for medical purposes
    • Records of charitable contributions

If you work on this list a little at a time, you’ll avoid the last-minute rush and make the whole process a little less painful.

Happy gathering!


Jackie Kleinman, CFP™, is the principal of KB Financial Advisors. Jackie started her career in financial planning in 1996 at an insurance and brokerage firm. She enjoyed the client interaction, but was bothered by the conflict of interest inherent in commission planning. In 2002, as an advocate of fee-only planning, she opened her doors to assist clients in growing their wealth and enhancing their lifestyles by combining investment advice, taxes and setting each individual’s priorities and goals.


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