How to Catch Up on Retirement Savings, When You Feel Like You’re Behind

how to catch up on retirement savings

If you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it a million times: Start saving when you’re young. Every financial planner *loves* to paint the picture of the guy who started contributing to his retirement fund at age 22 when he got his first “real” job, but the reality is… nobody does that. (Well, almost nobody.) I […]

Retirement Account Contributions? Don’t Stop Now!

retirement planning don't stop

The second most-asked question I get these days is: Should I continue to contribute to my retirement accounts in this environment? This question has been coming up a lot with so much uncertainty with the economy and in the market. If you are wondering whether you should hold off contributing to your 401(k) or IRA […]

Grow Your After-Tax Retirement Savings Via a Mega Backdoor Roth

growing retirement savings

Does your company have an in-plan Roth conversion program? Are you taking advantage of it? If not, you may be missing out on one of the best retirement savings strategies than has come along in years. A Mega Backdoor Roth, as it’s called, allows you to contribute additional after-tax dollars over and above the annual […]