SIP and Save or SIP and Spend?

by | Aug 5, 2020 | Financial Independence

SIP and Save or SIP and Spend?

by | Aug 5, 2020 | Financial Independence

save money financial planning

As much as we might complain about sheltering-in-place for the past five months, there is a silver lining. We’re spending a lot less money.

Think about it.

No nights out to fancy restaurants. You probably had to cancel your annual vacation. No trips to the hair salon or day spa or other personal care providers. You’re cleaning your own house. Your kids don’t need back to school/back to college clothes since they’re learning from home. You’re saving lots of money on gas. You haven’t bought new shoes in five months because you have nowhere to wear them. You paused your gym membership. And chances are, you’ve saved the expense of a variety of other activities that were part of your “old normal.”

So, now my question is: What are you going to do with all the money you’ve saved?

Are you itching to spend it? Or are you going to put it to work toward meeting your financial goals?

Yes, it’s tempting to take that unexpected cash and splurge on something exciting like that second home in the mountains or wine country you’ve always dreamed about. But why not invest it and let it continue to grow during the pandemic and then revisit your options afterward?

Are you conflicted or confused about what to do?

We are open for business and ready to help.

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Jackie Kleinman, CFP™, is the principal of KB Financial Advisors. Jackie started her career in financial planning in 1996 at an insurance and brokerage firm. She enjoyed the client interaction, but was bothered by the conflict of interest inherent in commission planning. In 2002, as an advocate of fee-only planning, she opened her doors to assist clients in growing their wealth and enhancing their lifestyles by combining investment advice, taxes and setting each individual’s priorities and goals.


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